Default Macros

The game has a lot of internal macros that you might make use of while building your own custom macros.

Any time you see <target> that means you can use a targetish when using the macro. A targetish is something that will identify the creature. It can be either the UUID (this is what the UI uses), or a part of the creatures name. So, if you have a creature named Adacen, you could use either a, ada, or adacen (or many others). The more specific you are, the better chance you have of not targetting something with a similar name on your screen.

Beware: Macros will not work when:

  • The bank window is open
  • The command line window is active
  • Any modal is open (options, macro group editor, macro editor, etc)


Default Macros

These are macros built into the game, some added to your default hotbar.

If a macro says that it “supports instant use”, that means you can pre-pend a ~ to make the macro happen instantly, for example: use will use an item in a round, but ~use will use the item instantly.

Macro Syntax Description
chase chase <target> Move towards the target.
climb up   Climb up at the current location.
climb down   Climb down at the current location.
up   Use the stairs at the current location.
down   Use the stairs at the current location.
face face <dir> Face N, E, S, or W.
empty empty <left|right> Empty the bottle in your chosen hand.
fill fill <left|right> Fill the bottle in your chosen hand based on where you are.
consider consider <target> Get a description of the target.
trade enable trade enable Turn on trading. This will let you drag & drop items onto other players, and them onto you.
look look Look at the ground, not searching anything.
look look <dir> Look in a direction, examining the specifics of that object. Doors will tell you required key descriptions, etc.
open open <dir> Open the door either N, S, E, or W from you.
close close <dir> Close the door either N, S, E, or W from you.
pettarget pettarget <creatureish> Force your pets to target a creature matching creatureish. If nothing is specified or found, agro will be reset. Note: Resetting agro doesn’t mean your pet won’t go after something. If the target still has agro towards the pet, the pet will go after it. You’ll need to redirect agro to something else.
write write <message> While holding an ink pot and an empty scroll, you can add your own message to the scroll.
show stats show stats <all|leader> Get a listing of all or some of your stats. show stats all will give you everything, whereas show stats will give you the basics. show stats leader will show you your current leaderboard stats.
show skills   Get a listing of all of your skills.
restore   Revive yourself when you’re dead.
break break <hand> Break the item in your left or right hand. Permanent, irreversible, and only works if the item is yours.
cast cast <spell> Cast spell.
use use <hand> Use the item in hand. Supports instant use.
wield wield <slotNumber|itemType> Take an item from your belt and put it in the first available hand. Supports instant use.
sheathe sheathe <left|right> Put the item in your left or right hand into your belt. Supports instant use.
take take <itemClass|itemName> <from sack|belt|pouch|ground> Take an item that matches itemClass or itemName from the specified container and put it into the first available hand.
place place <itemClass|itemName> <in sack|belt|pouch|ground> Take an item that matches itemClass or itemName from either the right or left hand and put it into the specified container.
wait   Do nothing for a tick.
.   Repeat the last command.


You can emote at a target, or not. You’ll see a different message depending on what you do. Some emotes will make you friendly towards the target, and some emotes will make you hostile.

A list of emotes is as follows:

  • agree
  • dance (friendly)
  • disagree
  • hail
  • hug (friendly)
  • greet
  • kiss (friendly)
  • laugh (friendly)
  • mock (hostile)
  • prod
  • scratch (hostile)
  • scream (hostile)
  • sing (friendly)
  • spit (hostile)
  • tickle (friendly)
  • wave

Internal Macros

Macro Syntax Description
~drink   Drink from your potion slot.
~move ~move <x> <y> Move X tiles and Y tiles.
~search   Search the corpses on the ground.
~look   Look at the ground, not searching the corpses.

Class Skill Macros

Some classes get skills that are enhanced by their class, but are usable by other classes. Namely thief.

Macro Syntax Description
hide   Hide in a nearby shadow. Exercises thief skill.
steal steal <target> Attempt to steal from the target. Exercises thief skill.
backstab backstab <target> Attempt to backstab the target (charge + attack). Exercises thief skill.
mug mug <target> Attempt to mug the target (charge + steal + attack). Exercises thief skill.
set set <dir> Set the trap you’re holding in your right hand. Exercises thief skill.
disarm disarm <dir> Attempt to disarm a trap. Exercises thief skill.

Party Macros

Party macros are used when interacting with a party.

Macro Syntax Description
party create party create <partyname> Create a party with the name partyname.
party join party join <partyname> Join a party named partyname (requires leader to be visible).
party leave   Leave your party.
party kick party kick <target> Kick target from the party. Must be leader.
party give party give <target> Give the party leadership to target. Must be the leader.

UI Interaction Macros

UI interaction macros come in a lot of forms, mostly they’re for moving things around, like belt to sack, equipment to ground, etc. There are a lot of them, including these commonly used ones:

Macro Syntax Description
~BtR ~BtR <slot> Move item from belt slot to right hand.
~BtL ~BtL <slot> Move item from belt slot to left hand.
~BtS ~BtS <slot> Move item from belt slot to sack.
~BtG ~BtS <slot> Move item from belt slot to ground.
~StR ~StR <slot> Move item from sack slot to right hand.
~StL ~StL <slot> Move item from sack slot to left hand.
~StB ~StS <slot> Move item from sack slot to belt.
~StG ~StS <slot> Move item from sack slot to ground.
~LtG ~LtG Move item from left hand to ground.
~LtS ~LtS Move item from left hand to sack.
~LtB ~LtB Move item from left hand to belt.
~LtR ~LtR Move item from left hand to right hand.
~RtG ~RtG Move item from right hand to ground.
~RtS ~RtS Move item from right hand to sack.
~RtB ~RtB Move item from right hand to belt.
~RtR ~RtR Move item from right hand to left hand.

All containers:

  • B - belt
  • C - coin slot
  • D - demi-magic pouch
  • E - equipment
  • G - ground
  • K - material storage
  • L - left hand
  • M - merchant
  • O - merchant buyback
  • R - right hand
  • S - sack
  • W - locker

Advanced Macro Substitutions

Macro substitutions can be used to find creatures that meet a certain criteria for macro targetting. For example, healing the weakest player, or attacking the farthest NPC (potentially a runner). These can be used in any macro that targets a creature, such as with chase $farthest or cast magicmissile $randomnpc.

Here is a full listing of each substitution:

Substitution Description
$target Replace with the targetted NPC. This is particularly useful for macros or commands that take a target in the middle of their command, rather than afterwards (as is the case with almost everything).
$firstnpc Replace with the first possible NPC.
$firstplayer Replace with the first possible player (excluding yourself).
$first Replace with the first possible creature.
$randomnpc Replace with a random NPC.
$randomplayer Replace with a random player.
$random Replace with a random creature.
$strongestnpc Replace with the strongest NPC (by HP).
$strongestplayer Replace with the strongest player (by HP).
$strongest Replace with the strongest creature (by HP).
$weakestnpc Replace with the weakest NPC (by HP).
$weakestplayer Replace with the weakest player (by HP).
$weakest Replace with the weakest creature (by HP).
$farthestnpc Replace with the farthest away NPC.
$farthestplayer Replace with the farthest away player.
$farthest Replace with the farthest away creature.
$closestnpc Replace with the closest NPC.
$closestplayer Replace with the closest player.
$closest Replace with the closest creature.

Suggested Macros

There are a lot of interesting combinations you can work with while making macros in Land of the Rair. Some of my favorites are these:

  • ~LtG; steal (drop left item on ground, then steal)
  • ~LtG; mug (drop left item on ground, then mug)
  • take bottle from sack (take a bottle from sack)
  • take heal from sack (take an item with “heal” in the name, from sack)
  • take bottle;use right;place bottle (take the first bottle from your sack, use it, then put it away)
  • cast heal $weakestplayer (cast heal at the weakest player)

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